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Drew ten pounds. 343.50 pesetas.

[[preprinted]] May Saturday, 10 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Prado all day
Rained after 4.
Went with Twacht. & Hall to get some canvases. Evening in playing hearts with Mr. & Mrs. Thomas. Bed. Rough house.

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[[preprinted]] May Sunday, 11 1902. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Sunday after Ascension. [[/preprinted]]

Nice day Prado till one. Mr. Hooker back from Granada. Hall, Lucius, Hooker, Twacht. and myself went to a bullfight The most pitiless degrading and brutal sight its possible to imagine. T and I got out after the second bull. Its so disgusting to write about. 
 We two went to the Park after and just at sunset got down to the little Italian garden where it was mostt lovely and reposeful after the terribleness of the first part of the afternoon. 
 Dianni with the old Scotch Lady making her usual foolish remarks.