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[[preprinted]] June Sunday, 1 1902. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] 1st after Trinity. [[/preprinted]]

Still showery. Prado till one dinner and after worked on the kid of the house for a couple of hours. Then went for a little walk in the Jardin Botanico. Fellows went to the zoo and when I came home they had gotten back with a beautiful paper maché bull and a little doll to put on his horns.
Twachtman dressed up with curtain cords short breeches over his drawers, top of my pajamas and my tall hat and when I came in they were haveing a bull fight for the edification of the girls across the St. Evening at our own fireside.
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346 Pesatas today
[[preprinted]] June Monday, 2 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Painted this A.M. on Dianni. Lunch. Hair cut and drew some money at the Credit Lyonnaise.
Went to Prado got things out and oiled out my stand for tomorrow. Rubbered.
Worked on myself till the kid came home and then on her till dinner.
Few minutes on the balcony with our illuminations and then in to write this and wash brushes. Probably shall retire later on as I usually do.