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[[preprinted]] March MONDAY, 17 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 Went to Galerie Georges Petites again, with Miss Sargent.  Some fair things there Gay's things looked very distinguished I thought.
 Painted an hour on the the portrait of N. and [[underline]] did [[/underline]] a "memory" of Charenton.
 French lesson after dinner & struck another one of those hard spots
 Cafe after lesson with the Frenchman and tangled myself up with a billiard cue Tables are about half the size of ours. English tables are big as a house & the balls are very small.
 Bed just to left, hot foot
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[[preprinted]] March TUESDAY, 18 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 Louvre this A.M. Pretty dark and looked like rain.
 Painted on Niedemeyer after dinner or lunch
 Found Twachtman in the garden all togged out and sporting a cane.
 Evening in, partly salon & partly bed