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[[preprinted]] March THURSDAY, 27 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 Luxembourg this morning. The Sargent may not be a Velasque but I dont know of any one else who can do one [[like?]] it.  It dont leave one with that tired feeling, which is more than I can say of the wonderful John Alexander
 Painted this afternoon on Niedermeyer and afterward went around to see Hall for a minute.
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Paid ten F to the Proff tonight
[[preprinted]] March FriDAY, 28 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Not particularly better than most other though.  Gently but firmly I am getting d--ned tired of this everlasting fish business, it commences to rub in after a few days of it.
 Letter from Mother and one from Miss Ferris
 My friend Nancy, has resigned [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] the presidency of the U.S. which he has occupied for so long with head quarters at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston.  I see ruin nothing but ruin ahead for the Western Hemisphere?
 Miss Ferris leaves New York June 31st for Genoa.  Two weeks in Italy thence to Switzerland
 Guess I finished Niedermeyer to day perhaps though Ive got another guess.
 French lesson here.