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[[preprinted]] July Tuesday, 15 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Got after street & doorway again. Sort of a prize package of trouble that. Came home to the room a little early & found [[underlined]] Gill [[/underlined]] Daly and Hatch poking food in our dining hall. Of course I was glad to see them particularly Gill.  After lunch for them when Twacht was here we showed down the stuff & Gill got off some of his wise remarks & knocked over a few pictures, spit in the wash bowl and in fact generally showed off well.
Worked on my "Castle in Spain" and then went over to it & Alden & I watched the Sun set from the hill.  It's great this town, don't believe there is another place like on Earth. For what we are using it for it can't be beat.
Little cooler tonight.
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[[preprinted]] July Wednesday, 16 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Worked on street and doorway again this A.M. till twelve came home and had a shave. Lunch. after which we went down & took the ferry across to last Sunday's sketch worked there till six. Home and got some clean canvases & went out and started the Rio Tagus & the gorge after which we sat on the hill side of the castle and rubbered in the moonlight till nine and came home to dinner. Put away a big one & went out & captured a cigar and Alden bought a pair of Spanish sandels for young Quenten. The gorge by moonlight, the city up on the hill, the old bridge at our feet, the river gleaming like silver and our back to an old castle hundreds of years [[underlined]] old [[/underlined]], made as beautiful and romantic spot as I ever expect to see.

Gorry how time humps a week this a.m. & in another week Alden has to start for Paris.