Viewing page 137 of 198

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[[preprinted]]September TUESDAY, 9 1902.[[/preprinted]] 
Morning worked on the rock
wind doing about 50 an hour 
and the canoes doing a regular sand dance.  
Lunch. Worked on a memory for fun. Bath, had a dandy too. Back to the house and 
worked in the cloisters.
More grub and out to see the moon. It came fine about 7.30 with a beautiful path right up to our feet.
Got a cablegram but not for me I think:"Enthusiastically secured third act. Twelve encours" that dont sound 
like anything Im mixed up in. So I dropped [[you?]] a line.
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[[preprinted]]September WEDNESDAY, 10 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Encore de vindy morning & a hot time on the rock picture. 
Got caught in a shower. Lunch 
Fruit hunt. "Gouter" then to the beach and after some stunts a bully bath. Up to the house and worked on the cloister 
stunt. Dinner a pipe & a walk through the village. 
Brushes yes? and bed. 
Steam thresher was here tonight and all the villagers in to help.  Primitive indeed.