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[[preprinted]] July Saturday, 19 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Went out this A.M. looking for a handkerchief like I saw on a man's neck. Nil - nothing like it here. Alden worked across the gorge worked in the room on a sky of the gorge but it was no game.
After dinner we chucked knives at the bottom of a wash stand for about an hour. Say we're the real thing & Buffalo Bill has unwittingly lost two stars.
Went out to finish the gorge as its our last night here. And we hate to say good bye. These moonlight nights and brilliant days in this picturesque old town have made a dent in my memory that will never come out.
It's a corking old place to paint & here's hoping we see it "together [[underlined]] again some [[/underlined]] time." The town. Harvey sighted us from balcony coming back & we all three cheered. Well one bright spot of me life is tucked carefully away. Good night.

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[[preprinted]] July Sunday, 20 1902. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] 8th after Trinity [[/preprinted]]

Got up and did a hustle this morning, expecting Harvey and perhaps some of the others down but they didnt show up one on us. So we spent most of the morning rubbering. Lunch then we packed and went out for a last look at the town and made a few pencil notes of some things we had not had time to see before Back to the room, got our stuff into the omnibus & said good by to old Toledo 
The best time I ever had and I know of us one with whom I would have enjoyed it so much as Alden. The ride to Madrid was very pretty, the sun getting lower as we neared Madrid All into a carraige, up to the house with one eye out for Harvey. To find all had gone in a bunch to spend the day at Senora Dolore Carmona's country house. After eleven days in our old clothes we slicked up lovely and went out to see