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[[preprinted]] July THURSDAY, 31  1902. 

Worked on Senorita this A.M. and after dinner fixed up the drapery on a pillow & a chair and did it over. Got it some better I think.

After a few stunts with the irons I took a bath and then poked some grub.

Went for a car ride with the family and Miss Mead and had a nice cream soup on Senora 
Brushes & palette & bed.

Got letter from mother. Kid had gone to Ogunquit for the summer.

One from Miss Ferriss. She is to be in Paris until August fifteenth
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[[preprinted]] August  FRIDAY, 1  1902. 

Once more as many times before some work was done on "Senorita" Carmin. Did the head over again.

After lunch fresh air was necessary and Miss Mead & I took a walk out to Salamanca along the Aqueduct, and open one, that [[strikethrough]] brigigs [[/strikethrough]] brings water from the mts. to the city. It was very pretty and cool breeze was blowing. Got back little after eight

Dinner & evening in