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[[preprinted]] August Friday, 8 1902. [[/preprinted]]

At the Prado and Bank Took a good long rubber at the pictures. They are still all right.
Went to Vicalvaro to Senora Dolores Carmona's joint after lunch and felt a lovely dose of Tonsilitis coming on Miss Canedy handed out listerine and I seared the old glands but couldnt quite kill it so [[underlined]] passed [[/underlined]] a sleepless night more than pileing around the bed.
Guess we go tomorrow at 7.45 P.M. By way of Barcelona.

[[image - sketch profile of a woman]]
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[[preprinted]] August Saturday, 9 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Kind of bug house this A.M. and got up very early. Went to Prado for last look & I took a good one.
Got paper & did up my canvases though some of them were a trifle sticky.
Got everything packed poked away a hurried last meal and said a tearful goodby to the Spanish family and got all my stuff and Miss Meads into the carriage & we lit out for the station
Got her into a first class carraige with most of the luggage and the rest & me into a third class. Gosh it was packed full of its. But I got a little more room toward 12 m. and slept with me head in the window & cinders pikeing down my neck. Between the cinders & draught my sore throat and cold escaped somewhat in the night Left Madrid 8.40 P.M.