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[[preprinted]] August Thursday, 14 1902. [[/preprinted]]

[[image - sketchlandscape of cliffs looking down to harbor]]

[[image - sketch of woman in profile with hat]]
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[[preprinted]] August Friday, 15 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Went over to say good bye to my St. Louis friends this A.M. & then to Cooks. But its another one of those Holidays here in paris which Ive had to speak of before earlier in this volume and there's nothing doing in the whole town.
Miss Mead & I took a walk after lunch around the gardens & afterwards to the Shirlaws studio to say good bye to them. Then we went down watched it get dark at the Pont des Arts. Dinner we started to go on one of the boats but they were stopped running. So we held down their wharf and watched the [[rigs? tugs?]], lights and people the moonlight & water & talked awhile then I went home with her
And to No. 19 where I turned in.
Here endeth I dont know if its the second lesson or third well never mind it endeth.