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[[preprinted]] August SATURDAY, 16 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Up good and early & over to Gare du Nord to say good bye to Maria
American Express Co says I can send my box if it weighs about twenty pounds for some ten franc
Cook & Co says no steamers touch at Amsterdam on they way to Russia. Will I cut it out I dont think so yet.
Tailors for a try at some short breeches.
Shoes to be resoled.
Letter from Alden and it is a relief to know how things are and what he intends to do.
[[end page]]

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[[preprinted]] August SUNDAY, 17 1902. 
12th after Trinity [[/preprinted]]

Morning at Luxembourg home to lunch. did some writing Luxembourg again and then to the Studio, had been looking at the stuff a little when Mr. Shirlaw came in. Showed him the Toledo stuff and he was nice as he always is. Then we went in & he showed me a lot of Roman sketches & some paintings. He started for home & I walked along a ways when I heard some one call, it was "Mac" Didn't know him at first. Chined a minute and he & his dog got out with some friends. I came home. Have been expecting to see Alden all day but no word of him yet
Evening in. Getting sick of finishing that way
Will retire now.

Transcription Notes:
Chined (should be chinned but he left out an n) as in chin wagged: Henderson uses it regularly in diary, spelled correctly