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[[preprinted]] August Thursday, 28 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Went around to Aldens & we did some stunts. Came back to lunch. Went to the Belle Jardinere with the family. While they were getting stuff for the kids I got two lovely pairs of [[Bed? Bal?]] bugans Say they are birds.
Stayed to dinner at Aldens and all night
Alden & I went over to Ave. de Lopera. I got a pair of puttees (Fox) the real thing & Alden got busy & did up all the last stunts.

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[[preprinted]] August Friday, 29 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Up in good season after a visit from Quentin and Jackie in their nighties.
finished up some more packing and got in a visit to the Luxembourg.
Bement was around also.
We got everything packed and roped and then grub went around right after. Alden & I had a little chin setting on the floor as chairs were scarce. Bus turned up little before ten. Everything got over all right Buggy all looked after and we all got into the Train for Havre. Bement showed up & we helped fill up the [[strikethrough]] Hammul? [[/strikethrough]] apartement late the train started. A handshake all around and they were off for America. God speed them.