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[[preprinted]] September MONDAY, 1 1902.

Busy day getting ready to go to the country, running here & there each and every way doing any old thing. Got my lovely Rembrandt drawing and also the exquisite Chevannes "the River" they are both great.
 Took all the photos and such around for Miss Sargent to see
 Old [[underlined]] "Louis [[/underlined]] the lobster stuck me alright on my board bill. Damn him. He'll lose yet I'll bet
 Evening out at 11 Rue Bara
 Hope to get off tomorrow night
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2 fr. 50 for box 15F15 for express
[[preprinted]] September TUESDAY, 2 1902.  [[/preprinted]]

Another busy day. Lots doing in the errand business. Got pictures packed, went to Luxembourg. Lunch. Did a few packing. Then to crate to Am. Ex. Co. sent it off and Miss Sargent and I went to Durrand Ruels to have a look at the Monets and that exquisite Chavennes

Its really wonderful that Puvis dignified refined and wonderfully beautiful.

Took Aldens plaques to Miss Sargents house & said goodbye and then finished packing and grubbed. Got train at 8.45 for Rennes.
 Crowded as usual and measly little racks for baggage. Paid 82 francs for a round trip of 33 days. Ouch.

Smoked and watched others sleep nearly all night. Got in a nap or two But my stretchers took up nearly all my place so I had to sit on nothing and it wasn't much of a game.

Transcription Notes:
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (14 December 1824 – 24 October 1898) was a French painter