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[[preprinted]] November SUNDAY, 30 1902. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] 1st in Advent [[/preprinted]]
Have had a very nice day at Niedermeyers.  Met his father and he is fine.  I wish I could speak German.  Niedermeyer & his father's wife played a lovely Schuman they have two fine pianos and the Countess played several herself one from [[underlined]] Gluck [[/underlined]] ? that I liked very very much.  Fine dinner also.  Home and tried for the opera to hear the Prophet but everything was sold but the six marks seats so I quietly faded away.  Poked a little German for luck.

[[preprinted]] December MONDAY, 1 1902 [[/preprinted]]

Waited about four hours this lovely morning in the customs house to get a book that had been sent me from England four hours and the place was filled with "sheenies", all for thirty five phennings.  Wouldn't it make you crazy.  Went to the bank after lunch and got a letter from Colorado, St. Louis and ones from Mother saying "Senorita" had gotten in to "Copley".  After tea went out with an American girl Miss Warner and a crowd from the House on what they called a "beer jaunt" we went to a beer joint which wasn't much of a jaunt and had a glass all round.  How Horrible.