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[[preprinted]] December TUESDAY, 2 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Very cold indeed and snowing light blowy stuff all day.  Musée till two and after dinner to my trunk and put in more than I took out.  
  Then I had an early feed and when to hear Geraldine Farrar sing in "Romeo & Julia" on a "Stehplatz" for which I put down one mark.  I liked her very much indeed though I think she will be better even later as she is only twenty now.
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Dreamt most vividly of Miss Sargent 

[[preprinted]] December WEDNESDAY, 3 1902. [[/preprinted]]

  Still very cold and some snow flurries all day at intervals
  Museum till two and after lunch went out with one of the German fellows and walked to this old part of the city and then he took me to a very old café known only to old Berliners, where I drank with him as is the custom a tumbler of Kümmel & a big glass bowl of "Real Berlin beer". We each drank half as is "habitude" in that café. It was the finest "goo" I ever saw for beer but he says it is very difficult to make and great bother to handle so there are few places where it is found.
"Ein Kümmel und eine grosse weiszer" The real thing
  Been dancing, think of it and the [[underlined]] widow [[/underlined]] can dance like a streak and I taught her the dip. So?