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[[preprinted]] December TUESDAY, 30 1902.
  Did a few stunts and then went to the gallerie. And after siezing everything up came to a decided conclusion that Velasquez and Rembrandt can paint the eye teeth out of the whole bunch
  The weather here is enough to give a man the everlasting jou jous and until I struck the "Man with the Helm" by his nibs Van Rijn I felt as if I was lugging the troubles of all Deutchland but that cheered me up a pile. So beautiful, so quiet no bluff or [["chic"?]] but the real thing from "unter bis uber" Gorry but its swell. To paint a Rembrandt, a good one, is to bury Johnny Sargent way deep.
  Painted some and packed what I could and went out to tea and some German
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[[preprinted]] December WEDNESDAY, 31 1902.

Went around this A.M. to an Ex. at Edward Schulte's galleries "Unter den linden. Lot of canvases by a bunch of Scotchmen (John Henderson being among) Was one of moonlight trees [[coming ?]] against the moon and sheep in left foreground that was very pretty then the things by Harmen Anglanda. Spanish stuff and odd lights in the theatre were better than the covereage. Also was some pretty stuff in a large swan picture.
  Got away after lunch with some packing and then went around to Frau Nagy's to dinner and to see the finish of this stunt people call a year.
  Capel Meister. Lang & his friend and Frau Nagy and yours truly eased out the old and let in the new in the most approved and time worn manner.
  Had some good music and then we went out in Friedrich Str. Regular mob and every body having four pails full of fun.

Transcription Notes:
Harmen Anglanda = Herman Anglanda (1871-1959). Spanish Catalan painter