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Music at intervals & concert in Salon. Men talking in smoking room - many returning fortune-seekers. Dr. Hemmi "Grohtvater" [[?]]. Turned in. Close quarters with four (the others Mr. Taylor & Mr. Martin) in the cabin.

June 25

Woke amid oppressive closeness of cabin. Felt groggy before breakfast; not much appetite, & not much of that meal went to building up my bone & muscle. And I had been proud too, of staying well. Mr. Meiser took me for a walk and I was better. Made the acquaintance of Mr. Nakamura. Long & interesting talk: trusts, politics, Japan, aesthetics, Hokusai etc. Showed books. Went down to dinner in fear & trembling but this time the waiter had put stickers on it & a few minutes on deck fixed all dizzies. Making Friends. Miss Michel, Mr. Saito. Zeilers etc. Steamer chairs are nice. Talked with Zell etc. Supper good. Sitting on deck. Sea less rough than last night. Miss Benninger. The quartette - and its reprimand. Mineral water and [[underlined]] figs [[/underlined]]. Turned in.

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June 26

Got up and dressed as quickly as possible. This time the cabin missed its effect. Shuffle board after breakfast. Enjoying life. Visited the Wadsworths.  Mrs. was up on deck. Nice talk. [[underlined]] Shaved. [[/underlined]] Shuffle-board with Zell. Hot weather. Studied Dutch. Many new faces on deck. The beautiful foam. The bow. The rainbow [[insertion]] on the foam [[/insertion]]. Miss Scott. Jolly people. The German band. Talked with Tweedy, Waddy and Parker. Concert in cabin but the airs were even worse than the air. The quartette on deck. Much singing. Mrs. Betts and Miss Zeilers led with Trovatore, "Carmen" "Norma". Miss Michel sang French songs, the professor, Hans and Lisa etc. Beer, figs, cognac. 12 p.m. Turned in. Everyone jolly. Acquaintances becoming more intimate. Count Cyrano and the bread and butter.