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away from them. Gray day. Rocky, but not too bad. As England grew indistinct, France grew distinct. Boulogne Harbor. Black boats. Landed. Inspected. Supper with wine. Walked about town. Not very interesting. People - not too pleasant. Came back. Met girls. All tired but we talked of our trips. Got on boat. Nice night, but high wind & awful rocking, people sick. Not me. Aboard "Ryndam". Our people welcomed us getting baggage. Got to bed. Nice cabin. Wolffe, Smith & Weston.

September 6.

Call at 7.20. No baths. Party jolly not very groggy. O.K. myself. Our deck. Desertion of Doolittle but I visited them. Talks. Met Dean [[?]] Langmuir. Gray sky - but brightened all day. Girls lolling about. Crowd not near so nice. Dutchy. Upstairs the same. The Lucks.

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September 7.

Very lazy. Late breakfast. Steamer-chair lounging, but it was chill. Read "Romany Rye" some. Got at trunk was much relieved as sketches behaved nicely. Got things out a bit. Visited and walked with Miss Hegman and Mrs. Doolittle. Meals take up much time and are multitudinous. Nice waiter - boy. Miss Geuth and friend. Went up to bow in awful wind. Slided. Banged against rail. Destruction. Ship's band. The harem, the pacha and the houri. Tuir [[?]]. Read more. Awful drumming on piano. Wolffe rang for waiter. "Ice water, Sir?" Out later and interesting long talk with Misses Carson and Buryns [?]]. Prof Alder. Rabbi Levi, Whence and Whither; Schamberg; C.S.; - Fine.

September 8.

Up late. Ugly weather has its effect. Number of people away. Went upstairs, showed girls Hoku-