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got the best.  Lunch at studio.  Walked and went to Wallace Collection.  The delight of it (and I was in good frame of mind) Moderns, old Dutch, Velasquez "Lady" & "Equestrian"  Rembrandt.  Watteau.  Lancret...Walked along Bond Street.  Jap and other stores.  Came to R.A., crowd. We waited. Mr. Chase on other side of street. London-afternoon crowd.
Kata-Kana. Edward and Alexandra came out.  Bows and mild cheers, more notables, Wales and wife. Home.  Wrote diary.

July 5

Took Betts (who came night before to Obach's in Bond St. where we saw "Peacock Room".  Lovely, blue greens and lacquery golds on them in great designs. Blue and white - swell.  "La Princesse" not there.  Saw Chartran's private view at Knoebler's "You've

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seen Booth act?  Well now I'll show you the difference".  Went to Clifford's on way to N.G.  Mr. Clifford was out.  Great time at the Gallery went around with Miss Herr.  "Shrimp Girl".  Constable. Came back to Mr. Chase and saw Dutch, Flemish, German and Italian rooms with him.  The Venetians.  One more turn always ending with the "Philip".
Came out and went about on a few errands.  Thought to get home earlier by taking underground.  Sulphorous, slow, confused, - reaching Finchley Road at 2 p.m.  Went to studio, sold paint, got canvas.  Lunched at bakery.  Home smoking with great enjoyment.  Painted corner of room with shoes, better.  Schamberg's bad cold.  Late to supper after which I cleaned up which brought me near to bed-time.
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