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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Ches Beach RR. Stations [[/underlined]]
Penn. Junction
Lyons Cr.
Mt. Harmony
Ches. Beach

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[[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]]

some new ones. I saw  the type of [[underlined]] Cetotherum cephalum [[/underlined]] but did not have time to examine it in detail. It is much larger than I supposed.

[[underlined]] April 27, 1906 [[/underlined]]

Went down to Chesapeake Beach at 9.25 AM & returned at 2.15 P.M. The tide should have been low, according to the Atlantic Tide Tables, but it did not go down to any great extent while I was there & indeed seemed to be coming in when I left. This is very provoking. On account of the condition of the tide, I could not go under the main [[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] bluffs at all, and got out about 25 specimens. One of these was a fragment of a max. & premax. which seems to belong to the other fragment, no [[red circled]] 494, [[/red circled]] which I got long ago under the main bluffs. I dug in the marl at the little northern bluff where I got the mandible of [[underlined]] Argyrocetus [[/underlined]] (?), but could not find any more fragments of it.
Expenses: Car fares, 15 cts, R.R. ticket, $1.00; lunch, 25 cts.
There is an interesting - looking greenish marl bed on the North side of the railroad track just before reaching Brown station (from Washn, on the Ches. Beach RRs. Better stop off there for some time & examine it. Get off at Brown station. There is another similar bank just beyond Marlboro.

Transcription Notes:
Cetotherum cephalum = True probably means Cetotherium cephalum but have kept his spelling.