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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 13 [[/preprinted]] [[underline]]Feb. 2. 1907[[/underline]] - Went to the Woman's College, Baltimore, and examined the types of [[underline]]Metopocetus durinasus[[/underline]] and [[underline]]Cetotherium crassangulum[[/underline]], which were placed on tables in the chemical laboratory in the 3d story of Goucher Hall for my inspection. There were also a number of large vertebrae and a few other fragments, chiefly collected by Prof. Bibbins in Va. & Md. Prof. Bibbins gave me all possible assistance and also took me to lunch at his house. I compared Cope's descriptions and measurements & Cope's & Case's figures & took notes. Prof. Bibbins said there was an extensive bone bed at Tarbay, Va., on the James River. Expenses: RR to Balto. & return $1.25, parlor car to Balto. 25 cts. [[underline]]Feb. 9, 1907[[/underline]] Went to Woman's College again and made a more detailed examination of the types of [[underline]]Metopocetus[[/underline]] and of [[underline]]Cetotherium crassangulum[[/underline]], compared measurements, took new ones, together with notes, etc. Expenses: RR. to Balto & return, $1.25, parlor car to Balto, 25 cts., lunch, 20 cts. [[underline]]Feb. 16, 1907[[/underline]]. Went to Balto. on private business and while there went over to the Woman's College again to take another look at the two types there. Spent a half hour comparing them and making sketches. Got locked into the build-