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[[preprinted]] 14 [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 15 [[/preprinted]] ing, but finally succeeded in getting out. [[underlined]] Mch. 9. 1907 [[/underlined]] Went to the Women's College again and made further study of the types of [[underlined]] Cetotherium crassangulum [[/underlined]] & [[underlined]] [[Metopocetus durinasus]] [[/underlined]], paying special attention to the vertebrae of the former, of which the 1 [[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] 2 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript] & 3 [[superscript] d [[/superscript]] are attached to the skull. I proposed to Dr Bibbins that they ought to be separated, which he agreed to & introduced Mr. W [[superscript]] m [[/superscript]] Brough, 618 N. Euton St., expert mechanic, who could, he thought, do the work. I was not very favorably impressed. On returning found that D[[superscript]] r [[/superscript]] Merrill thought the work ought to be done here & would prefer to put it off till July. In the afternoon went to Johns Hopkins. Saw Mr. Matthews & Mr. Berry - Found the types of most of Copes' species, but learned that 2 or 3 of them were in the Statehouse at Annapolis. Got out the type of [[underlined]] Cephalotropis coronatus [[/underlined]] and compared Cope's description & measurements. Went hastily over all the other specimen, which were laid out on a table. The type of Case's [[underlined]] Priscodelphinus crassangulum [[/underlined]] was in a drawer & looked interesting. It appeared that there was much more there than Case described. Expenses: - RR. ticket 1.25; parlor car, both ways .50; lunch .85; car fare .05.
Transcription Notes:
SL - Unsure of some of the fossil names. Attempted googling with no luck. Help gratefully received.
MD - Found Metopocetus durinasus online somewhere. The lower case "d" matches the "d" in the word "do" 5 lines down, so I think it's correct.