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Kelăiré July 22 1895

Fam. No. 1 has 19 cows & fam. no. 2. 40 cows. Pups in excess everywhere

LuKannan, same rate, viz: 
July 22[[superscript]] [[underline]] d [[/superscript]] [[/underline]]
  Went out to Lukannon this morning in the rain to see how the seals stood the weather. They did not appear to enjoy the rain. Were mostly sitting up & moving about, shaking themselves from time to time. The rookery looked dreary enough with its wet rocks and wet slippery soil - The handsome colors of the seals when dry had disappeared & all were of a dull, dusky brownish gray 
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the old bulls showing more [[strikethrough]] or less of [[/strikethrough]] brown. The pups were like little black pigs, their [[strikethrough] br [[/strikethrough]] wet hair hanging in tufts & usually parted along the spine, showing the skin.
  The cows have gone to sea in large numbers. Many old bulls are sitting in their places, surrounded only by pups, & the majority have only five or six cows. 
  Saw only one copulation & that a peculiar one. The bull was interrupted at the outset by a cow straying away. He went back to the same female again, however, but could not find any satisfaction. He mounted her twice more, or four times in all, before