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he was satisfied - the cow remained in one place, as if expecting the bull to come back, - which he did - The pups are back to the back limit of the rookery. There were none at the water's edge this morning, but many were floundering about in the little pools made by the rain. They were [[insertion]] ^ a [[/insertion]] dirty & sad looking lot. There is a large number of bachelors on the hauling ground, & especially on the sand in the surf - They seemed to be enjoying life. I saw two or three bulls sitting in the water [[end page]] [[start page]] in front of the rookery as they were at Zapadnie the other day. The seals are close up to the base of the three grass-covered knobs at the middle of [[firkanum?]] & there was a harem on top of the West one - Some of the cows & pups were trying to keep dry by lying close under the bases of the knobs & under boulders - There is much individuality about the voices of the various seals. There was one [[strikethrough]] bull [[/strikethrough]] youngish bull this morning with a high thin voice like a cow - [[strikethrough]] Their [[/strikethrough]] The attempts