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the flat rock on which it lay is almost bare. There are some 20 cows sitting around the bull & some 12 more on the north margin of the rocks Over to the North at the point the rock with the pool in it is deserted & the [[strikethrough]] seals [[/strikethrough]] cows & pups have hauled back up the hillside to the line of the face of the cairn-bluff. (One bright red placenta.) Between sta. 14 & this Cairn the [[strikethrough]] seals [[/strikethrough]] cows & pups have also hauled up on the hillside nearly to the top. Cows have dried off this morning - I see 39 cows & about 400 pup together. This [[end page]] [[start page]] shows how the cows have gone out - In other places there are bunches of cows with no pups & in others the two mixed in about equal proportions. Saw a pup come to his mother when she cried. The cow has come up wet. The pup wants to suck but has not been allowed to yet. Fam. no. 1 has 6 cows only. The Lukannan & Kelaire rookeries on map of 1893 The back line of the seals this year is practically the same as 1893 except [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] as follows: The haulig ground as now occupied runs along