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the beach as far as in map, but not back inland in the left hand division. The right hand division is all right. The seals are not on the top of the middle & right hand of the 3 bluffs of Lukannan. The tongue to the right of Lukannan hill is to be cut off. On top of the bluff opposite the "horse-shoe" in Ketaire there are practically no seals The Ketaire hauling ground is occupied much further back on its right of Sta. 14 1/2 than shown in the map. The seals, it should be remarked can not be properly represented as a band, but [[end page]] [[start page]] rather as patches. Saw [[strikethrough]] half-doz [[/strikethrough]] remains of 1/2 doz. or more pups of last year on top of the Lukannan 3 bluffs. Saw a fresh dead ♀pup on top of middle of Kelaire July 23 [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]] 1895 Townsend and myself left at 11 AM. for Polavina & N.E. Pt. Took in Tolstoi [[underline]] en route [[/underline]]. This rookery has changed much since I last saw [[insertion]] ^ it [[/insertion]]. The solid masses at the seashore have moved up the hillside considerably. The topography