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breast color is exceedingly pale, almost pure white & the belly color is buff. These are very gray, fresh-looking cows.
  I see a bull copulating. This is one of the lower bulls
  Some bulls are grayish all over. Others are ochre-brown with buff shoulders. Others are umber brown with ochre-yellow shoulders Some are dusky all over. Others are dusky with gray shoulder with a dark median line.
  The sun has come out and there is a rapid movement of cows toward the water; this is sudden & stirs up the bulls to attempt to prevent their going. 
  I see a pup with a white mark on his back. 
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  Some pups playing at the water's edge among the rock, but they are not very venturesome.
  At Ketaire one copulation. The cows are largely off the grounds - The great flat rock occupied by Fam. no 2 is [[underlined]] bare [[/underlined]], only 2 cows lying on it & the bull with but 6 cows on the southwest edge.
  There is a band of 50 or more yearling bachelors up on the hill North of the cairn.
  There are a couple of youngish bulls wandering all over the rockery.