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Aug. 6. 1895.
Cold, rainy day. Wind from NW. Went to Kelaire at 10 A.M. Everyday about sta. 14 drenched with water- Cows more scattered than yesterday and way up under the shelter of the cavities in the cairn cliff, where there were  none yesterday- Pup in about the same positions as yesterday, but rather higher up- Many down at the water's edge, & some swimming in the surf- The wet pups show their brown underfur, rather than their skin as I have somewhere previously stated. Nearly every cow, -2/3 of them at least, had their pups with them. Cows, bulls & pups 

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were for the most part sitting with their noses up in the air on account of the rain. Curious & rather ludicrous attitude- Many pups suckling- [[strikethrough]] Pups [[/strikethrough]] Bulls smelling of the cows to a small extent, but no copulation- No dead pups at the waterline- Pups all look fat & hearty- The bachelors were all about the cairn, so I did not go up there. Sat below the sta. 14 hill till 11 o'clock & then went to Lukannan. 

At Lukannan below the west bluff the rocks are almost bare. One bull on the midst of a pod of pups. Pups swimming- one quite far out- No copulation- One pup lying down with terrible wound at