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Alveoli - "That line teeth occupied these positn, appears to me doubtful, from their shallowness, and small [[feramina?]] - I rather suppose them to have been knots or bosses, possibly [[conieous?]] in structure - " (p.189 - Cope) [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - 

Thought its affects were with the "aberrant Cetacea" - "The nearest types appear to be on the one hand Sirenia, as with the other, [[underline]] Squalodon [[/underline]] - (do) [[Ditto for: (p.189 - Cope)]]

Found with Mastodon "not far from Savannah, Georgia" - xxv "It is [[presently?]] in the Mus of Compara Zooly. Cambridge, Mass., and was lent me for examination by Prof Agassiz, the director." (p. 190 - do [[Ditto for: Cope)]] [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] ) 
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] - pl. 5 figs. 5 & 5a (1/2) lithograph. Very good -

[[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] Puts it with Sirenia in Halitherindae, but says "This by no means certain that it belongs here, and it maybe a Cetacean (p. 700)
Fig 4 (1/4) - Poor. Says it is from S. C., - in the "phosphatic deposits"

Transcription Notes:
TC has requested where do, ditto or " appears in text that volunpeers transcribe text as " [[Ditto for: text]] or do [[Ditto for: text]]. Sirenia see