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Tuomey (Acm of Sci. (2), 4, 1847, pp. 283 - 5. Describes it and gives his figs. [[insertion]] ^ Postn of left upper maxilla contng 1 tooth [[/insertion]] Given to Tuomey by F. S. Holmes [[strikethrough]] , [[/strikethrough]] Lewis R. Gibbes afterward collected [[more?]] of the skull [[insertion]] ^ Eocene [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Dimensions, length 14 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] beds of Ashley R. about 10 miles from Charleston Dimensions. - Length 14 1/2 in.; gilst breadth 7 1/2 in, height 5 1/2 in. length of enameled portion of tooth, 7/8 in; breadth, 5/8 in - "It is evidently young" - Figures top & right side - Maxillae appear perfect proximally - Figure crude but appantly fairly accurate. Tooth shape similar to later figures. Reprinted with prepatory remarks in, P.AUSP., 3. 1847. pp. 151 - 153, with copies of the original figures - Reprinted in J.A.N.S.P. (2) vol. 1, pp. 16 - 17 In the same Journal. p. 8, Dr. R. W. Gibbes, states that he examined the specimen, and does not think it is a young animal. He thinks it may be identical specifically with Grateloup's
Transcription Notes:
It's Tuomey
Assuming "Acm" is short for Academy