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the photo. of [[underlined]] Lophocetus [[/underlined]] & wished [[strikethrough]] extremely [[/strikethrough]] very much that you had sent a view of the upper surface. I must confess that I am greatly puzzled about its relationships. It doesn't look to me much like [[underlined]] [[Juia?]] [[/underlined]] - As I may be coming up toward Boston the latter part of this month, [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] it is possible I shall take the opportunity to run over & take a look at the specimen. The ear-bones are [[strikethrough]] interestin, & I ... [[/strikethrough]] a puzzling lot shall be interested to read what you say about them. I have quite a number & consider them hard nuts to crack. Next winter, however, I propose to sit down to a real study of them. I did not [[strikethrough]] quite [[/strikethrough]] understand whether you meant me to keep the photographs or return them. Anyway I am holding them till I hear from you again. Yours very sincerely