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College of Charleston Museum

CHARLESTON, S. C., [[/preprinted]] March 7, 1906.

Dr. F.W.True,
U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Sir:
The collection of S. C. phosphate fossils in this Museum includes a number of ribs of the manatee and whale, fragments of the skull of the manatee, earbones of whales, an interesting vesical calculus, about a half dozen snouts of Xiphoid whales, fragments of Mastodon bones, etc. besides a considerable number of fine shark teeth of various species.
My de[[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]lay in replying to your letter of Feb. 17th has been due to my endeavor to learn the fate of the Centennial exhibit about which you inquire. I have asked a number of people, including the gentleman who was at that time president of the Wando Mining Co. but no one has any memory of the fate of the collections after the Exhibition. They seem to think that the specimens were scattered.
If I can assist you in any way I shall be glad if you will command me.
Very truly yours,
^[[P.M. Rea.]]