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[[vertically in left margin]] { x Diagnosis of a new genus and species of a fossil sea-lion from the Miocene of Oregon. < Smithson. Miscell. Colls., Quart. Issue, 48, pt. 1, no. 1577, pp. 47 - 49. May 13, 1905. [[/vertically in left margin]] A further account of fossil Sea-lion, [[underlined]] Pontoleon magnus [[/underlined]], from the Miocene of Oregon. By Frederick W. True Head Curator, Department of Biology, US National Museum In the [[underlined] Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Quarterly Issue [[/underlined]]), [[overwritten]] for [[/over written]] No. [[strikethrough]] 1577 [[/strikethrough]], - , I published a diagnosis of a new genus and species of fossil sea-lion, based on a skull from Oregon. [[superscript]] x [[/superscript]] As this article is brief and contains a summary of the circumstances under which the skull was found, as well as measurements, it is repeated here in full.
Transcription Notes:
According to Wikipedia, he was curator of the U.S. National Museum from 1883-1909).