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[[underlined]] Fossil Otariidae [[/underlined]]
(Louis Trouessart's Cat., Suppl., 1904)
[[underlined]] Otaria jubata (foss.) [[/underlined]] Amegh.  Pleist. Argent.
< Mam. foss. Argent., 1889, 342
[[underlined]] Zalophus williamsi [[/underlined]] MacCoy - Plio. Vict., Austral.
Prov. Palaeont.  Victoria, Dec. 5, 1879.
pls. 41 & 44; Allen, Pinniped, 1880, 770
[[underlined]] Arctocephalus fischeri [[/underlined]] Gerv. & Amegh. Olig.? Panama, La Plata
Mam. foss. Amer. Meriv. 1880, 
p. 223; Amegh., Mam. foss.
Argent., 1889, 342 [[underlined]] (Arctophoca) [[/underlined]]
[[left margin bracket]]
[[underlined]] Arctocephalus forsteri (foss.) [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Lesson [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ^ Peron [[/insertion]], Pleist. N.Z.
Voyag. Terres Australes, 1816, 2, 37 - 
[[insertion]] Nothing in this place.  Did Peron go to New Zealand at all? [[/insertion]]
[[/left margin bracket]]