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[[boxed]] Trouissart - 1897 [[boxed]]

[[double underline]] Fossil Pinnipeds [[/double underline]]

X [[strikethrough]] Gervais & Ameghino }  Mamm. fossil. Amer. Merid. 1880, [[/strikethrough]] 223 
[[circled dot]] [[strikethrough]] Actas Acad Rep. Argent [[/strikethrough]] 1889

x [[strikethrough]] Ameghino [[circled dot]] Mam foss. Rep Argent, 1889 [[/strikethrough]], 342

x Lesson { Not in s. e. Voyage aux Terres Australis, 2, 1816, p. 37
[[strikethrough]] Gratiolet [[/strikethrough]] x [[strikethrough]] Bull. Soc. Geol 15, 1858, 624 626]], vl. 5 [[insertion]] (2) Al France 620 [[/insertion]] [[/strikethrough]]

x Gervais [[checkmark]] [[insertion]] 508.73 [[/insertion]] Zool. & Pal. Generale, 1, 1867-69. 87

x DeKay. Nat. Hist of N.Y., 1, 1842, 56, pt. 19

[[strikethrough]] Lankester. x < Quart. [[insertion]] S. Geol [[/insertion]] Journ. Geol. Soc., 21, 1865, 226. pls [[/strikethrough]] 

[[strikethrough]] " [[Ditto for Lankester]] < Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 2, 1882 213 [[checkmark]] { 10-11 [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] Da Bus. < Bull. Acad Belg., 24, 1867, 566 [[checkmark]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] Gervais x < Journ. Zool., 3, 53, pl. 11. [[/strikethrough]]

Van Beneden Oss. fossil. Anvers, 1874, {46, pls. 6-8  50, pls. 1-6  56 pl. 9 [[insertion]] Ann Mus. Nat Hist., 1 [[/insertion]]

" [[Ditto for Van Beneden]] [[strikethrough]] x < Bull. Acad. Belg., 32, 1871, 5 [[/strikethrough]]

" [[Ditto for Van Beneden]] < [[underline] do. [[/underline]] [[Ditto for: Bull. Acad. Belg.]], 41, 1876, 783

Delfortre. x [[strikethrough]] < Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] (29) p. 113; 257 [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] 187[[overwritten]]2 [[/overwritten]] 3 s.e. 

Gervais.  [[strikethrough]] < Mem. Acad. Sci. Montpellier, 2, 1852, [[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]] 308,  [[/strikethrough]]

" [[Ditto for Gervais]] [[strikethrough]] < Ann. Sci. Nat., 20, 1853, 282, pl. 13 [[checkmark]] { [[/strikethrough]] pl. 6 fig 4 [[checkmark]]

" [[Ditto for Gervais]]  [[strikethrough]] Zool. & Pal. Française, 2d ed. 1859, 272, pl.82 fig 4 [[checkmark]] [[/strikethrough]]

Van Beneden x < Bull. Acad. Belg. [[underline]] 41, [[/underline]] 1876, 800, 799, 802 { pl. 20, figs 5-6

" [[Ditto for Van Beneden]] s.e.  Oss. foss. Anvers, 1877, 75,  pl. 16; [[insertion]] p. 65, pl. 11 [[/insertion]] 76, pl. 16; 77, pl. 17; 69. pl. 13: 78, pl. 18; 80 pl. 18, 72, pl. 15 70. pl 14

 507. 93 x = Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist. Belg. 1. 1877

x [[strikethrough]] Nordmann Paleont. Sud-Russland, 1858 [[/strikethrough]]

[[Lento?]] Adams  x [[strikethrough]] < Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., [[insertion]] S Geol. [[/insertion]] 35, 1879, 517, pl. 25, { figs 1-2 [[/strikethrough]] 

Leidy, J. < [[strikethrough]] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., [[insertion]] ^ 1852 - 3 [[/insertion]] 6, 377 [[/strikethrough]] [[checkmark]]

Van Beneden x < Bull. Acad. Belg., 8, 1859, 123; [[strikethrough]] 32, 1811, 5; [[/strikethrough]] 41, 1876, 799.

Newton. x < Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., [[insertion]] [[Sond?]] [[?]] Geol [[/insertion]] [[underline]] 49, [[/underline]] 1890, 446, pl. 18, fig. 3

Transcription Notes:
strikethroughs and notes are in pencil. Lankester, E. Ray; Van Beneden, Pierre; Leidy, Joseph Nordmann, Alexander Palaeontologie Südrusslands Checked & edited and left anything I'm unsure of in [[?]]. - @siobhanleachman