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[[underline]] Lateral aspect. [[/underline]] - The lateral aspect of the cranium is characterized by the deep concavity of outline between the occipital condyles and occipital crest, which only approximated in [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] Callotaria [[/underline]] and adult male skulls of [[underline]] Eumetopias [[/underline]]. This concavity is due to the strong backward development of the occipital crest midway between the vertex and base, and to the retreating outline of the [[strikethrough]] occipital to [[/strikethrough]] supraoccipital undulating above [[insertion]] ^ the [[/insertion]] condyle. The appearance is perhaps partially due to distortion of the skull. The lateral walls of the cranium are as strongly convex as in [[underline]] Zalophus [[/underline]], and from the appearance of the surfaces at the vertex, it [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] seems probable that a high sagittal crest was originally present as in [[insertion]] ^ adult [[insertion]] [[underline]] Zalophus [[/underline]], and [[underline]] Eumetopias [[/underline]]. The thick and strongly projecting free margin of the glenoid fossa, and the great anterio-posterior breadth of the [[strikethrough]] mes [[/strikethrough]] occipito-mastoid process are also [[insertion]] ^ especially [[/insertion]] striking characteristics of this aspect of the skull of [[underline]] Pontoleon. [[/underline]]

Transcription Notes:
specimens confirmed in