Viewing page 74 of 101

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[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Delphinus couradi [[/underline]] Ly (Ixacanthus)
   Centrium of a lumbar (others)
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] Phos. [[/insertion]] Eboroziphius coelops [[/underline]] Ly.
   A beak. [[underline]] Here [[/underline]]?
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Eschrichtus cephalus [[/underline]] Cope. (Cetotherium)
   Considerable part of a skeleton)
[[underline]] E. davidisonii [[/underline]] Cope. (Cetotherium)  
   Prox. portion of left ramus
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] E. leptocentrus [[/underline]] Cope. (Cetotherium)
   A 2d cervical
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] E. polyorus [[/underline]] Cope. (Cetotherium)
   Prox. 2/5 of a left ramus
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Hemicaulodon effodens [[/underline]] Cope.
   Frag. of a tooth  [[underline]] Here ? [[/underline]]
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Ixacanthus coelospondylus [[/underline]] Cope. 
   Some vertebrae ad, & jr.
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Macrophoca atlantica [[/underlined]] Ly. (Squalodon) 
   Three molars
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Megaptera expansa [[/underline]] Cope (Siphonocetus)
   1. Numerous vert. from Thos. coll.
   2. Several from Nomini
   3. Some from Va.
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Ontocetus emmonsi [[/underlined]] Ly. (Hoplocetus ?)
   A large tooth
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] Ontocetus emmonsi [[/underline]] Cope.
   A tooth
[[underlined]] [[insertion]] M [[/insertion]] O. [[enadiatidens?]] [[/underline]] Ly. (Physeter ?)
   Frags. of a jaw, 2 teeth & portion of a rib

Transcription Notes:
Ontocetus emmonsi: USNM 329064 names checked. All found except those in brackets [[?]] Added in some missing entries - @siobhanleachman. Checked fossil names - anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]