Viewing page 78 of 101

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[[table with 3 columns]]
[[3 columns: item | Letter code | location found]]

 |   | [[underline]] Type - Loc. [[/underline]]
[[checkmark]] Squalodon atlanticus Leidy | M. | Cumberland Co. N.J.
   (= Macrophoca atlantica)
[[checkmark]] Squalodon vinearius Leidy |   | Marthas Vineyard
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] holmesii Leidy | E.? | Ashley R. S.C.
   (= Colophonodon holmesii Leidy)
[[checkmark]] Squalodon pelagius Leidy | E. | Ashley R., S.C.
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] pygmaeus (Müller) | E. | { " " [[ditto for: Ashley R.,]] S.C. 10 m. from Charleston
" [[ditto for: Squalodon]] [[strikethrough]] [[protersus ?]] (Cope)
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] debilis (Leidy) |   | Ashley R., S.C. (sands)
   ( = Phoca debilis Leidy) | P.
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] ? modesta (Leidy) |   | " " [[ditto for: Ashley R., S.C. (sands)]]
   ( = Phoca modesta Leidy)
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] mento Cope ([[Delphinodni ?]] ^[[insertion]] f. [[/insertion]] Leidy) |   | {Shockoe Cr. Ravine, near Richmond, Va.
[[checkmark]] " [[ditto for: Squalodon]] wymani (Leidy) " " [[ditto for: ([[Delphinodni ?]] ^[[insertion]] f. [[/insertion]] Leidy) | M. | Virginia
[[checkmark]] Phoeageneus venustus Leidy ( " [[ditto for: [[Delphinodni ?]] f.]] Cope) |   | Near Richmond, Va.
   [The type tooth of this sp. is one of the types of Cope's [[underline]] Squal. mento [[/underline]]]
[[checkmark]] Priscodelphinus grandaevus Leidy | M. | {Shiloh, N.J. "Green Sand of Jersey" 
" [[ditto for: Priscodelphinus]] harlani Leidy |  | Mulheir Hills ^[[insertion]] Gloucester Co., [[/insertion]] green sand of N.J.
   ( = P. grandaevus f. Cope)
[[checkmark]] Tretosphys uraeus Cope ( = Priscod. f. Cope) | M. | { Shiloh, N.J. ^[[insertion]] lumbar [[/insertion]] + mouth of Patuxent R. ^[[insertion]] caudal [[/insertion]] 
[[checkmark]] Priscod. acutidens Cope.) | M. | Chas. Co., near Pax. R.
[[checkmark]] Zarachis tysoni Cope. | M. | Mouth of Pax. R.. "waterworn & has been probably crashed from the cliffs"
[[checkmark]] Zarachis velox Cope. | M. | "From the Miocene marl from the pits of Reuben Ayers, near Shiloh, Cumberland Co., N.J."

Transcription Notes:
names checked. all found except those in brackets with ? [[?]] minor edits for a few letters and "harlani" -megshu