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[[preprinted]] [[image]] [[line]] DOMESTIC POSTAGE. On all LETTERS throughout the United States, 3 cts. for each half ounce or fraction thereof. DROP or LOCAL LETTERS, 2 cts. per half ounce where there is a free carrier's delivery; other offices, 1 ct. POSTAL CARDS, 1 ct. VALUABLE LETTERS may be registered by the payment of a registration fee of 15 cts. MONEY can be sent with absolute safety by mail, by procuring a Money Order. The fees are: on orders not exceeding $10, 5 cts.; $10 to $20, 10 cts.; $20 to $30, 15 cts.; $30 to $40, 20 cts.; $40 to $50, 25 cts. PRINTED BOOKS, in one package, to one address, 2 cts. for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, not over 4 lbs. On TRANSIENT NEWSPAPERS, or other PRINTED MATTER (Books excepted), and on Circulars, Pamphlets, Book Manuscripts and Proof Sheets, Maps, Sheet Music, Chromos, Engravings and Photographs, 1 ct. for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof, not over 4 lbs. Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, &c., 1 ct. for 2 ounces and fraction of 1 ounce, not over 4 lbs. Samples of Merchandise (except Liquids), Ores, &c., Flexible Patterns, Paper, Envelopes and Blanks, 2 cts. for each 2 ounces, not over 12 ounces. All Transient Matter, except duly certified letters of Soldiers and Sailors, must be prepaid by stamps. On matter not above specified, same rate as Letters. [[/preprinted]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] [[image]] [[line]] FOREIGN POSTAGE. On LETTERS TO GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.-For every half ounce or fraction thereof, 6 cts., if prepaid; if not prepaid, 6 cts. extra will be collected in Great Britain, and 6 cts. in the United States. [[line]] To the GERMAN STATES.- For every half ounce or fraction thereof, via N. German Union direct, 6 cts.; closed mail, via England, 7 cts., prepayment optional. [[line]] To FRANCE (payment compulsory), 10 cts. for each half ounce or fraction thereof, direct mail; 4 cts. (open mail) by England. Fully prepaid, via England, one-third ounce, 10 cts.; one-third to one-half ounce, 16 cts.; one-half to two-thirds ounce, 20 cts.; two-thirds to one ounce, 26 cts. [[line]] To the DOMINION OF CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, NEWFOUNDLAND, &c., per half ounce, any distance, 6 cts., if prepaid; if not paid, 10 cts. [[line across page]] STAMP DUTIES. CHECKS, DRAFTS and ORDERS, drawn at sight or on demand, are subject to a stamp duty of 2 cts.; all other instruments and papers are exempt. [[/preprinted]]