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[[pre-printed]] JANUARY, WEDNESDAY 14. 1874. [[/pre-printed]]

I realy am not writing to day or I mean I was but Sat I have got quite behindhand so I dont remember what I did do that day ([[?]]) 

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[[pre-printed]] JANUARY, THURSDAY 15. 1874. [[/pre-printed]]

I dont know much to say to day so I guess I will give a description of the time when Collies telagram came.
It was in the morning and I went down stairs for something it is so long ago that I have forgotten what it was. And I stoped in the parlor and did an errand for Charley who was taking up the carpet and then I came back & was looking out of the windows (in the parlor) when a boy came up the steps with a telagram and I went to the door and found it was for us and was just going to tear it open but Nickalous said no no or rather would not let me. Then I hurried him up stairs and then the performance began. After they I mean papa and mama had kissed they cried and did everything else.