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[[preprinted]] Ther. WED. JAN 19, 1887 Wea [[/preprinted]]
Afraid I wd x b able 2 get 2 Post. at all, b in spite o storm John took me 2 Mrs Mittlesey's where I spent 1 night. She is a wonderffully interesting, stimulating woman full o ambition,  Female spirit & life & md 2 / most phlymatic o commonplace Ques. 
Mrs. Lyon-personification o old school parental [[underlined]] word law [[/underlined]] authority. Fr. Cousin cynical old maid with false front. 

[[preprinted]] Ther. THURSDAY 20 Wea.[[/preprinted]]

Took train at Falls & went down to New York. Nine plots in mind - elaborated several outlines on way down. Met Papa at Albany wi defeated politicians Miller & Morton seen ([[Hislock?]] elected) li flock o dejected crows. Diff phases o disappointmt, interesting study. Uncle Wallace & Harry met us. Spent eving in Alice's room - first introd to their life] - Conway,. Putzel, & Rice [[(ie?]] First taste o [[cat-in-strange?]]

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[[preprinted]] Ther. Fri. Jan. 21, 1887 Wea. [[/preprinted]]
[[garrelness?]]. Country girl's first appearance. A gent. on either side-not a word 2 say 2 dissipate / in lot [[underlined]] uninteresting [[verdant?]] specimen [[/underlined]]. Anxious father opposite  - / inking o possible matrimonial dangers after he has left the field. Kindly uncle, less [[fearful?]], [[?]] at / situation. Finally country girl flies from the enemy - routed,

[[preprinted]] Ther. Saturday 22 Wea [[/preprinted]] 
& takes refuge between uncle and father. New phase o life - 1/2 literary 1/2 small-talk. New strange [[?]] - [[please?]] - what [[underlined]] is [[/underlined]] there to say? Silence tomblike! Broken by Mr. [[Rice?]] who play [[divinely?]] on bass viol.

Satd. went to dinner given "Putz" for birthday.
Harry  Mr. Smith  Alice. Farquhar
Cous                   Putz 
  F.A.M Rice Dr Putz Mrs. Smith