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house into / timber.
[[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] / gray sqs w x / only beasties livg in / wood. [[strikethrough]] One day it w a pretty yg coon + ga us a hint o / undesired wild life + w o / woods + we lot we w acqtd [/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] Our dog w found o digg a [[/insertion]] / Gt cavernous holes [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] o woodchucks & polecats [[insertion]] & / occasll subterr growly & gnashng o teeth [[which?]] our burly neighbors awad him [[/insertion]] in / outer edge o / woods [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] suggtd pleasant lots o / wild life [[strikethrough]] passg not [[/strikethrough]] hidden fr us & in / woods ws lot we knew so well b ^ [[insertion]] 2 whose real life [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] in wh in reality we [[/strikethrough]] w ^ [[insertion]] in reality [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] / merest strangers. [[strikethrough]] One day Sometimes as our dog dug f woodchucks [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
She obviously is using a system of abbreviations and short-hand symbols. I know that the transcription instructions tell us not to expand them, but it makes her appear semi-literate and I'm sure she was not.