Viewing page 83 of 154

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[two small pieces of paper on top of regular size sheet, partially obscuring text on bottom sheet]]

[[first piece]]
[[strikethrough]] [[in pencil]] spring flowers - little purple hepaticas [[lilies?]] at ft o trees spr beauties
[[diagonally written at left]] under gt sisters [[/at left]]
[[diagonally written at right]] [[king?]] partridge [[strikethrough]] mul [[/strikethrough]] berries little sisters [[/at right]] [[/in pencil]] [[/strikethrough]]
W [[superscript]] m [[/superscript]]. Dutcher.
If you have any names to propose for membership please send them to me by November 18, at the latest. I trust you may have!
[[/first piece]]

[[second piece]]
[[strikethrough]] Chil [[/strikethrough]] My Woods III
222 [[curved line underneath]]
[[in pencil]] III 225
85 [[/strikethrough]] [[/in pencil]]
[[/second piece]]

[[third piece]]
[[obscured]] - [[underline]] My Woods [[/underline]]
[[obscured]] - III 232
[[obscured]] wi [[rose red?]] heart
[[obscured]] - III 236
[[obscured]] andle 2 it.
[[obscured]] artdge berries - leave f. P.
[[obscured]] indow
[[obscured]] fr tree 2 tree
[[in pencil]] [[obscured]] - ^[[Maple]] Sisters
[[obscured]] carpetd wi wild flowers Fox -
[[obscured]] ark
[[obscured]] toadstools
Gt hemlock - swamp - warblers - Owl hill 
Fox "
[[/in pencil]] [[/third piece]]

Transcription Notes:
This image looks like the previous one with the top paper removed.