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A band was engaged to play, and of all the awful sounds which manage to squeal forth from one or two horns those were the worst.  One couldn't tell "Yankee Doodle" from "God Save the King".  It was pretty awful, but the guests seemed to bear it quite well.  I'm told that after we left they were persuaded to stop and some young man played the piano for the guests.  If he was the same young man who played in the early afternoon, he was indeed good.  In the morning Dick had gone to see Mr. Armstrong the Amer. Consul and was duly informed that we came very near being invited to a cocktail party - had Mr. A. been able to get in touch with us - given to celebrate the 4th of July.  Dick, with his usual love of such functions was just as glad they missed out on us.  Last evening we had a delightful time at a cocktail party given by Mr. & Mrs. W. Edwards of Hope Gardens.  We met any number of interesting people and I had a slight opportunity of tuning up on my French with Mrs. Edwards.  One of the first ladies I met was Mrs. Bonell - who was later to give us a very cordial

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invitation - and her daughter Marjorie (a sweet young girl).  They have a sugar plantation which we will visit next Tuesday.  Marjorie Bonell introduced me to Mr. & Mrs. Lockhart (?) who were very nice.  They had been in Berkeley in 1921 on an exchange professorship in College of Agriculture, and later they went to Nevada where they were until 1924.  I believe they have been here 8 years.  She is slightly crippled but at the same time one of the most charming women I met. 
Mr. Barnes, Director of Agriculture came over and introduced himself.  He too was very nice.  Mrs. Smith whose husband is a Micro-biologist sat down and chatted.  She is typically English.  I didn't get a chance to meet Miss Monica Nixon of the Jamaica Auto Assn. until the very last.  She invited me to come down and look around, and I shall do just that very thing one of these days.  
Dr. Saunders and his wife were also introduced.  He is working for the Rockefeller Foundation on the tropical disease called yaws. Dr. Coombs is working with him and attempting to trace the disease to a fly which is commonly found where yaws is most prevalent.  He said that the Jamaica Gov't.