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Charcoal is also used for cooking. In fact the kitchen which is away from the house uses charcoal entirely. The gas stove is in the pantry and is used only once in a while for quick cooking.

July 12, 1935.
After reading over the above part, and having since found out a few other things about the house, I find that one can write about what one knows and still not know it all. Day before yesterday Minnie showed me the other bathroom in the house - the one referred to as "Marie's" -  which is just off Marie's room. It is a little jewel as such things go. The whole color scheme is green - and even the fixtures - and she has a gas hot water heater in her room. All of which goes to prove that some people want and have modern conveniences.
Tuesday we had a most interesting day. We paid a visit - rather spent the day - with the Bonell family at Caymanas Estates Ltd. Mr Bonell is manager of the Estates, And altho the Estates are a company, a good part of the stock is owned by a Mr. 

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Crum-Ewing and family, and the Bonell family. Mr. Bonell is an incessant worker and judging from his tirelessness I would say that Mrs. Bonell was right when she said that he had made the Estates what they are today. They have been there 15 years.
Mrs. Bonell was born and raised in Barbados. She is a blunt hearty person without the least bit of pose in her makeup. She is generous to the nth degree, and it is most impossible to refuse her hospitality. She too has her work. She used to help her husband on the Estates and she worked as long and hard as he, besides that she kept the books and records. Some years ago she invested some of her money in another property so as to help save it for a friend, and ever since she has been working to make it a paying proposition. (This is a bare outline.)  She has done a great deal to help the British "Tommies" who are here, stationed at Up Park Camp, and due to her efforts they have some fun and wholesome amusement. Her theory is, that if they are kept amused in a wholesome way they will avoid bad influences, but unless the decent people of the town take an interest in them they will go to the saloons and brothels for their