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amusement. They come out here for two years, young boys in their early 20's - maybe younger - many times it is their first post and it is no wonder that they grow homesick for some other amusement and companionship than that offered by their fellow soldiers. The people of the town - the white petty officials together with their wives and daughters - look down on Tommies as not being fit to associate with, because a few have managed to give them all a bad name. Mrs. Bonnell believes that the % of "rotters" would be even smaller if the whites took some effort to amuse the boys. She admits that in every 100 men there are bound to be a small number who just can't be decent, but she feels that the majority of those she works with deserve better treatment than they receive. She has planned a picnic and day's outing for the 27th and she has asked us to go along.
Marjorie Bonnell is, I believe, the only daughter. She was educated at St. Andrews in Scotland and took her degree in Botany. However, she is now doing experiments with manure on cane and bananas for the Estates. She has done some school teaching and for

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a while was bookkeeper at one of the farms of the Estates. The reason she lost this latter job was because certain people in Jamaica filled Mr. Crum-Ewing's mind with talk of that not being a suitable job for a woman - most all bookkeepers are men - and he, with the proverbial Englishman's "love of good form", insisted that her father dismiss her. From all I've heard of Crum-Ewing I imagine him with something of the English landed gentleman attitude. He spends a great deal of his time in England.
To go back to Marjorie. She works hard, yet she seems completely engrossed with her work. She took the day off to show us around the estates.
The first thing we visited was the new factory which is in process of construction. It is a huge building which when completed will be made of corrugated iron (commonly called zinc plates out here. I really don't know what the metal is, but the paint looks as if it might have zinc in it.). Very little of the machinery has been put in but we saw where the various pieces were to go. The bagging room was almost completed and it looked almost as large as the present factory.