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[[preprinted]] 8 [[/preprinted]] freighters. She will stay until Sunday then go across to Cape Hatien and take the boat there. She seems quite nice and companionable. Mr. Barnes had a tennis, supper and bridge party. After supper Jack Ruane and I walked down to the park. On the way we passed the statue of Dessalines which brought to mind the story that the statue doesn't resemble Dessalines at all, furthermore, that it is really a model of some South American patriot. The story runs thusly-some country ordered a statue of its then current hero, but by the time it was finished the hero was no more (either in word or thought) and the sculptor was at a loss as to how to dispose of his statue. Hearing that Haiti was in need of something to [[strikethrough]] commensurate [[/strikethrough]] perpetuate the memory of Dessalines. Thereupon the artist made a lucrative bargain with an official for the sale, and the official in turn made a generous profit. Net [[end page]] [[new page]] [[preprinted]] 9 [[/preprinted]] result-Haiti had a statue of a national hero and 2 men came out of the deal considerably wealthier. There is also another tale. As soon as the sword, which held aloft, falls, then again the blacks will rise up and drive the white man from "The Black Republic". Which brings to mind "Evacuation Day", so called because it is the day the last ^U.S.^ Marines left Haiti, a year ago, August 21, 1934, and which was quite well celebrated on its first anniversary. Many people, natives included, feel they have little to celebrate, as they are not as well off in individual finance as they were when the Marines were here. The celebration lasted all day, with 21 gun salutes, parades, band concerts and a firework display in the evening. It is said that $25,000 had been appropriated for the expenses of the celebration-a good deal must have gone for fireworks. I was told by a person [[end page]]