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who was at Ft. Marc, that that town too had quite an extensive firework display.
Dick has been having a little difficulty in getting the 1, 2, and 3 centimes pieces.  They seem to be very scarce here.  I have also been told that the people here have little use for U.S. pennies-no wonder the chamber maid looked at me doubtfully when I gave her 4 of them!  It seems that she will be unable to buy anything with them, altho' most other American money is acceptable.  Their paper money says that it is redeemable in [[underlined]] legal American money [[/underlined]] at the rate of 5 gourdes to the dollar.
I was asked the other day if I thought Mr. Aubry, the assistant mgr, was a Haitian (I taking this to mean part negro).  How anyone could ask this is beyond me-I have yet to see a person of negroid, or even Indian extraction, who has a clear blue eye (I

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don't believe there is such an animal) anyway.  Mr. Aubry is French and his eyes are of the Nordic blue variety-I should say from their intensity that both of his parents had blue eyes (Page Mr. Mendel!)
All of which is beside the point as far as the man is concerned.  He is not only rather quiet, but rather reserved, altho' he can be "brought out" in conversation.  During the Diaz regime in Mexico, his mother was a rather well known French dress maker.  He visited his mother there, but did not live there any great length of time-he was then about 12 or 15 (not any older) What I intend to find out some day is how he ever happened to come to Haiti, and what is there here to hold him.  Seemingly he has no family and few friends in this country.  He speaks perfect English so he should get along well in any country.

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