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says is true so I quote "discover at once what all professional writers know, but few amateur writers, restless with egotism and [[double underlined]] laziness [[/double underlined]] and old inherited tales of inspiration, are willing to admit, and that is, that [[underlined]] if you sit long enough before a desk something is [[/underlined]] almost [[underlined]] bound to happen [[/underlined]]. I don't even have to go so far as the long sitting. If I just get the notebook and pen I can begin to write - being already full of ideas. 

We have had unusual weather due to the presence of a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, bad enough to delay the air mails for a day. We have heard rumors of bad destruction in Florida but have not had confirmed reports. 

Before something else prevents I must describe the Band Concerts of which I have attended two. These concerts take place in the ^[[insertion]] plaza [[/insertion]] park near the Presidential Palace, called Champ de Mars. I have yet to hear any blaring music coming from 

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that band. The whole tone is of quiet even rhythm - very different from the syncopated drum beats of the bombache. The most of the music they play is the dance tunes of the meringues ("polite" Haitian dances). The meringues so I am told are more or less like a two step and the music is one catchy refrain played over and over again. I would say that they approach very near to the French type of popular tune, as Mlle of Armentiers, but they are not played with the zest and abandon of French music. 

One night a man, probably a local poet (he had all the earmarks of one), sang a verse to every other chorus. It was in Creole so we couldn't understand it, altho Mr Aubry got a word  now and then. The verses seemed to please the crowd as they clapped and shouted "Bis" (again). He seemed only too glad to repeat his talented performance. 

Transcription Notes:
See for quote. Does she mean "bamboche" - listed in Websters' as a noisy Haitian party?