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St and stopped at Ross's, where I left the prescription to be filled. (Cost 72 cents for one 84 for bromide) Ross's put me in mind of Ross Drug Co at 23rd & Lexington in N.Y. (which will be no more when we get back).
We also went to the Canadian Bank of Commerce where we changed our Jamaica & Guadeloupe money. We lost $7.00 on approximately $200. The Trinidad dollar is worth 4 shillings 2 pence & the cent is equal to 1/2 d English. It is rather mixing at first as they quote prices in dollars & cents, yet one pays in English money. There are one, two, five, and twenty dollar bills issued.
In the afternoon we went to town again. First to the docks to get the trunk sent out - 2 shillings for this - and then to shop around. Mrs. Willis had written me that neither the Good Housekeeping or Cosmopolitan had arrived last month, so I set out to see if I could buy those missing copies. I was lucky as far as Cosmopolitan was concerned - no luck with other

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[[double underlined]] Wednesday, November 20 1935. [[\underlined]]
This morning Dick went to St. A ^[[insertion]] u[[/insertion]] gustine to see Mr Adamson. When he came home he told me that we had been pronouncing it incorrectly - the name of the town - it is St Augústine (accent on second syllable). Dick was rather late in returning and I had started lunch without him. I bought a Guardian in the morning so I was enjoying a newspaper once again. 
The Adamsons had invited us to dinner that evening, so about 7 o' clock Mr Adamson, and Mr (Prof) Urich came for us. This was the first time I had been in a rumble seat in ages, and it seemed queer at first. after the heavy rain of the afternoon the night was quite clear. It would have been just a little nicer had I had a light wrap. Prof. Urich informed us that had we had a net, we undoubtedly could have caught numerous Staphs by just letting it float in the wind. He also said that they fly into a person's eyes quite easily.
I found Mrs Adamson much the same